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A Career in Games, the Long Way Round

Since an early age, I was obsessed with creating things, I wrote short stories that eventually became Cosmara, I created tabletop war-games that were eerily similar to Warhammer (despite never having heard about tabletop war-games at the time) and I created elaborate stories and games with my favourite figures.


Then I got introduced to Video Games and I had found my new favourite pass time. From my first game, a simple graphics game shooting parachuting men out of the sky from a turret, my love for the genre grew with each game I consumed.


But I never thought it even remotely possible that I could be on the other side of the game, creating it. So I started working in Project Management instead, and following on from side projects in films, documentaries, comic books and learning software I finally realised what I should be doing with my life, what I'm best at - creating games. 


At Bournemouth & Poole College I studied Enterprise & Entrepreneurship in the hope of turning my aspirations of Cosmara into a reality. But even Cosmara suited a Video Games Hybridisation better than solely tabletop, and so after much deliberation, I went to Bournemouth University to study Games Software Engineering, so I could learn to create games from scratch. It is there that I learnt that my preferred role is a Game Producer, as while I enjoy coding and design and have shown an aptitude for both, this is where my heart and pre-existing skills lay. 


As you can see from my portfolio, before achieving a Game Design Internship at Amuzo Games in my first year at University, I created games such as Lelly and Cosmara, I also made multiple games while at University such as The Last Elf, Skirmyth, Duality & Marbles. 


As well as this game experience, I also have a decade of experience in one form of project management or another, notably 4 years working at Durdle Door Holiday Park where I managed 3 high budget projects as well as countless other, lower budget projects successfully.


Now working for Lush as a Producer/QA I work on their website and technology based projects within the team while working on Cosmara in my spare time.

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